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:: October 30, 2014

Suffering from Infusion Confusion? Here’s our remedy.


Making an infusion is like making food. Think with your taste buds. Start by selecting your base alcohol. Hello, that’s an easy one…Tequila. What kind of tequila? We recommend using our Silver rather than a more complex, aged tequila.
Now you’re ready to think about what you want to infuse your tequila with. Consider flavor combinations you already like. Some classic infusions for tequila include: Chili, citrus, tropical fruit, coconut, ginger, melon, watermelon. Also consider herbs that are sweet— mint, lemon verbena and cinnamon basil.
Here’s the process:
1. Prep. Impurities affect taste. Wash ingredients and tools (including mason jar).

– For oranges and other citrus fruits with thick, bitter pith, it is best to use only the zest of the colored rind. Discard the rest.

– Herbs can be cut up or sliced.

– Roasted coffee beans and fresh berries (without leaves) can be used whole.
2. Place the ingredients into the empty mason jar. They should fill it up about halfway. Then cover them with the tequila.
3. Seal the jar and store it in a cool, dark place.
4. Shake it up. Try to check on the infusion every day and shake the jar to help the flavors blend together.
How do you know when it’s done?
When you like the color and taste. Generally, spicy or flavor-packed ingredients like peppers, lemon, garlic or berries will need as little as two days (less for sake infusion); other ingredients can sit for as long as two weeks before you might consider them done.
4. When you feel the time is right, strain the concoction into a separate container, setting the chunky ingredients aside. Then strain it again through something very fine like a coffee filter or cheesecloth.
5. Funnel the infusion back into the jar or bottles. And then enjoy!
Add it to cocktails or serve it chilled, for sipping.